UrBackup Client Unstable crashing on Windows XP

I just noticed that the new Unstable UrBackup client crashed on Windows XP. Looking at the logfile did not give any indication where the error came from. I could however say where it did not come from, because only one thread crashed and the other ones continued writing debug info into the logfile.

To get some more info where this error was happening I installed userdump on the XP laptop (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/241215). This gave me a nice image of the process memory at the point of failure. Sadly Visual Studio cannot display that much information about the dump file. For example I did not get it to display a call stack. I went on to install WinDbg which is part of the Windows SDK. This had all the information needed to pinpoint the problem. It showed a call stack including line numbers in the source files. It was however mysterious how it got the location of the source files and the line number of the error, because of course I used a release build on the XP laptop and release versions do not include debug information. Strange.

Even though it could display everything quite fine WinDbg complained about missing debug information. Which is, as explained, only natural. But then why could it show the call stack with function names?

Analyzing the information WinDbg provided did not help: The error was at a position where normally no error should occur. I double checked.

So whatever magic WinDbg does it must be wrong. Right? I continued to point WinDbg at the right debug information, but that did not change the position of the error in the code. I was just in the process of collecting all the right DLLs to get a debug build to run on the XP laptop, when the day saving thing happened: I cleaned the whole project and build everything. The universal advise for every problem computer related: “Have you tried turning it off and on again?”. Of course it worked perfectly after that.

Visual Studio must have done something wrong in the calculation of what it has to rebuild, causing the XP build target to be outdated, running with a more recent host process. This caused a function to be called without a parameter which now has one, which then caused the memory access error.

Once again the solution was easy but finding the solution was hard.

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