Optional BerkeleyDB database backend

In the upcoming version of UrBackup Server you will be able to choose BerkeleyDB as database backend instead of SQLite. I am still deliberating about if I will make it the default in Windows. Not in Linux though as the BerkeleyDB version UrBackup needs is not yet e.g. in Debian stable.

The advantage of BerkeleyDB over SQLite is that it is build for higher concurrency. So if you want to have a lot of simultaneous backups you should definitely use it. The new SQLite compatibility layer of BerkeleyDB also made it very easy to add that alternative backend. (The BerkeleyDB people do not like you calling it a backend. They say it is a SQLite frontend for BerkeleyDB.)
It is not as robust as SQLite though. For example it has some problems when the filesystem the database is saved on is at its capacity limit. In my case it slowed down to a crawl. Also if you do not adjust the database parameters correctly it may throw “out of memory” errors. I am still testing what the correct parameters are. If you just set them really high it needs a lot of memory.
For example it said “Lock table out of lock entries” but increasing the number of lockers such that this error did not occur any more resulted in 1GB more memory usage. This is simply too much. I then tracked the problem down to a table join in which BerkeleyDB seems to need a disproportionately large number of locks. Denormalizing a table, such that this join is no longer necessary solved that problem, I think.
BerkeleyDB may also be slower in situations where no concurrency is involved as it has a much more fine grained locking system and in such situations then locks to much. So using it with only a few clients will cause unnecessary locking overhead.

I plan on automatically converting the database as soon as the BerkeleyDB plugin is loaded into UrBackup Server. So the only inconvenience should be a long database reconstruction time during which the database is converted.
The table denormalization and some index rebuilding will also take place on upgrade. This also took a lot of time on my test system.
Once you switched, converting back will be a manual job. I think I’ll have to write in detail about that once the new version is released.

Latest multiple volumes image backup feature and why you should not use it

I recently added a setting to configure which volume(s) UrBackup should backup as image. I added this because it was requested in the forums. Feature requests work! Try them as well!

I will now continue on to modifying the restore CD to allow one to select the volume to restore. This will not be much work, so expect it soon with UrBackup Client 0.39, Server 0.25 and Restore CD 0.3.

Nevertheless I felt a little bit uneasy while adding this feature, because it is not really necessary in my opinion.

Incremental file backups are usually really fast. Incremental image backups currently not so much. So you should use file backups whenever possible. As additional benefit restoring only part of the data is much easier with file backups than with image backups, where you have to mount the image. If you want to be able to do a bare metal restore though and you use Windows having an image backup of your system volume is unavoidable. Restoring from files is not possible without reinstalling.

I will talk about why you do not need image backups at all if you use Linux soon.

So because file backups are faster and more convenient and you only need an image backup of your system volume backing up any other volume as image backup is suboptimal.

But now UrBackup does not stop you from doing it. It is your choice now.

Bare metal restore for Windows Server 2008 R2 now working

A few days ago while I was testing the Image capability of UrBackup on XenServer (another story) I noticed that Windows Server 2008 R2 creates a 100MB large Partition called “System Reserved”. On closer look a partition like this also exists on my Windows 7 (x64). Windows 7 apparently keeps some files for booting there so that it can still repair the main C: partition in case something happens to it.
One user already mentioned that such a partition exists and UrBackup should also include it into the image backups, but I couldn’t reproduce the problem till now (I asked him which Windows he was using and he didn’t answer).
In order for the partition to not be created and used you have to manually partition during the Windows setup.

As this is a major bug/limitation of UrBackup, because it causes the restored images of operating systems with this partition not to be bootable I decided to fix this problem in Server 0.24/Client 0.38 (further delaying said versions). If this partition exists it gets downloaded to the server and is associated with the normal image backup of the “C” partition. If you restore an image the “System Reserved” partition will be restored after the “C” partition, if it exists on the server thus making a restored image of the operating systems mentioned above bootable.

Write fail

So UrBackup decided yesterday that it’s time for a full backup on my laptop. I have a lot of small files and just going over them and getting their file size and change date usually takes half an hour. This is one reason why the incremental backup in UrBackup is so great. Because it does not have to go over all files.

Anyways after 8 hours it was finally finished and the server was happily sorting the files into the database (much faster now – see previous entry).
Then it basically started the full backup again! It couldn’t copy the list of all transferred files to the right location because all the space on the drive where these lists are saved was used up by temporary files. Now you probably shouldn’t store your temporary files on the same drive as you save e.g. the UrBackup database (as it can fill up often). But this is nevertheless a problem, which I fixed.

Now it’s backuping again. 4 hours and going. Hopefully there will be no other error at the end.

Keep in mind that this is not a serious bug, as the full backup was complete and no data was lost and no successive errors occurred. The bug only causes the backup to be worthless for successive incremental backups (they have to backup more). It also does only occur if you have less space in the temporary folder then the files which are backed up and if your temporary folder is on the same drive as your application data. This is not a good idea anyways.

SQLite is paranoid by default

UrBackup uses SQLite to save information about your backups. The data ranges from small stuff such as settings and when a file/image backup was done and where it is saved, to a entry for every copy or in some cases linked file in a file backup. If you have a lot of files there will be a lot of entries in the last case, resulting in a very large SQLite file.
So maybe you have heard of SQLite. It is used practically everywhere right now. Firefox saves its bookmarks with it, Android phones and the IPhone their settings.
Here is a list of well-known companies which use SQLite: http://sqlite.org/famous.html

Lately SQLite got a new journalling mode which allows simultaneous reads and writes. This journalling mode is also used in stand-alone databases like PostgreSQL, thus making SQLite competitive in the concurrency area as well. This works by appending the changes to the database to a separate file. After some accumulation of changes they are applied to the database (checkpoint). Read access is blocked only during this application of changes.

Now I thought that appending the changes to that files does not require actual data to be written to disk and that because of that the write performance of SQLite is greatly improved (The appended data can be kept in system buffers until the checkpoint occurs).
There was some speed improvement but not that much. The reason for that is that SQLite is paranoid by default and enforces that every change to the database is actually written to disk after some data was saved. This is reasonable if this data is important, but in this case a backup interrupted by a power outage is worthless anyway (incomplete).
Of course you can change this default behaviour by executing:

PRAGMA synchronous=NORMAL;

On each connection. This will be done in the new version of both UrBackup server and client, greatly speeding up anything write related. Especially the statistics calculations are far faster now.


UrBackup Client Unstable crashing on Windows XP

I just noticed that the new Unstable UrBackup client crashed on Windows XP. Looking at the logfile did not give any indication where the error came from. I could however say where it did not come from, because only one thread crashed and the other ones continued writing debug info into the logfile.

To get some more info where this error was happening I installed userdump on the XP laptop (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/241215). This gave me a nice image of the process memory at the point of failure. Sadly Visual Studio cannot display that much information about the dump file. For example I did not get it to display a call stack. I went on to install WinDbg which is part of the Windows SDK. This had all the information needed to pinpoint the problem. It showed a call stack including line numbers in the source files. It was however mysterious how it got the location of the source files and the line number of the error, because of course I used a release build on the XP laptop and release versions do not include debug information. Strange.

Even though it could display everything quite fine WinDbg complained about missing debug information. Which is, as explained, only natural. But then why could it show the call stack with function names?

Analyzing the information WinDbg provided did not help: The error was at a position where normally no error should occur. I double checked.

So whatever magic WinDbg does it must be wrong. Right? I continued to point WinDbg at the right debug information, but that did not change the position of the error in the code. I was just in the process of collecting all the right DLLs to get a debug build to run on the XP laptop, when the day saving thing happened: I cleaned the whole project and build everything. The universal advise for every problem computer related: “Have you tried turning it off and on again?”. Of course it worked perfectly after that.

Visual Studio must have done something wrong in the calculation of what it has to rebuild, causing the XP build target to be outdated, running with a more recent host process. This caused a function to be called without a parameter which now has one, which then caused the memory access error.

Once again the solution was easy but finding the solution was hard.

Why you shutting down an application gracefully even though it’s difficult and you think you don’t need to

UrBackup is a highly threaded application. Currently, for every client a server has approximately 5 threads are started. Additionally there is a thread pool for requests to the webinterface.
Some people would claim this is a difficulty in itself, because managing resources can be difficult the more threads you have. Anticipating this I built UrBackup using message passing and the implicit synchronization it provides.
Partly because of this I didn’t have that much problems.
What is a problem is how to tear down all those threads again. One solution which is currently “in use” is to let the operating system handle that. Let me elaborate on this:

The assumption is that you designed your application in a way that it can be forcefully stopped at any time. You should do that for every application that saves some kind of data, because nobody can guarantee for any length of time, that your procedure which stores data will not be interrupted and not started again. This interruption can be caused by a shortage of memory, a user killing the process or a power outage/hardware failure killing the computer.

Now designing an application like this can be hard. For example you write some settings to a file. You cannot write it directly there, because this write could be interrupted, causing an invalid settings file. The common pattern in such a case is to write the settings to a temporary file and to rename that file to your settings file. This can be done because the POSIX standard for filesystems defines that the rename operation is atomic – your filesystem guarantees that the rename either happens to the whole file or not at all (There are some different interpretations of this standard, however, which caused some issues e.g. with btrfs).

Now doing this with a lot of data is of course not efficient enough. You should use some library which does that for you. UrBackup uses sqlite (Which is an embedded database).

So you painstakingly did everything in a way that your program can be stopped at any time and no data is corrupted, or too much data lost. Do you still need to shut down your program gracefully? Assuming that only data is lost, that can be regenerated: No.

You can approach the problem from the other side as well. Assuming that you have time t during shutdown to write out data so nothing important gets lost you have to write your program in way that only so much data accumulates that you can still save it within t. Because sometimes you don’t now what t is or how long it is going to take to save your data you have to save important data as fast as possible. This means that the data which you would write at shutdown is not important – saving it is not necessary: You do not need save anything at shutdown.

So if every application does something like that, why does e.g. Windows not encourage the users to turn off the computer by removing their power source?

The first point here is of course that not every application does that. The second point is that sometimes you do not want them to do it: E.g. your laptop disk spins down. The application saves a little bit of data: The disk has to spin up again, in order to save the data.

The third and most important point is that often it cannot be guaranteed, that with one hundred percent probability the data is not corrupted by something like this. This can be the disk’s firmware/hardware fault, the filesystem driver’s fault or your programs fault. Do you still remember Windows laboriously checking your filesystem after you shut it down the hard way (It still does it some times)? This was in order to restore the integrity of the filesystem. Now the filesystems have gotten better at guaranteeing that integrity after a forcefull shutdown. But not with onehundred percent probability. It could guarantee it, but only with a performance penalty (that’s why it’s not done).

UrBackup has the same problem. It is only with a probability close to onehundred percent guaranteed that it’s database is not corrupted after a shutdown. There would be an option to further reduce this very small probability – with a huge performance penalty.

Of course the opportunities of such a corruption occurring should be minimized. Which means when possible one should not rely on the assumption that your program can be interrupted at any time.

That means for UrBackup, that I will have to sit down and work on a clean shutdown at some point in the future.